Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rebound - Up, Up ... and Away!

It's been just a month since the team from Cedarbrook Church in Menomonie, Wisconsin set their compass bearings for New Orleans (pretty much due SOUTH ...).

The impact that trip had on the people we served, as well as the team members remains strong! Not a day goes by where I don't have a conversation with someone about some aspect of that experience. I can truly sense the "building" taking shape!! Regarding the "rebound" aspect of the experience, there is a "scout team" from Cedarbrook being planned to return in April to meet with representatives in Central City and discuss what kinds of things we could do together in the future. If you'd like to read more about what's happening in that great city, check out Urban Impact's website.

So, as for me and my house, well ... we're heading towards a "Fifth Dimension" time
... again. (For the "younger set" ... listen to the song and check out some "oldie but goodie" information on that singing group!).

I will be going "Up, Up and Away" from my lovely wife and family for 12 days starting Friday!

My traveling partner, Chris,
and I will be flying from Minneapolis to Budapest, Hungary to work for on a ministry center in the Kelenfold district of that great city!

Over 100,000 people live in that part of the "Buda" side
of the Danube River, and this ministry center is THE ONLY EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN THAT AREA!

I have seen God at work building His Church in Hungary since my first visit there 10 years ago. A number of people and ministries have worked hard together in order to have the great Hungarian people be able to not only see and understand the rich Christian heritage that nation has, but also, that they can have a personal relationship with the God who loves them so much. It is a privilege to help in the work and encourage our brothers and sisters there.

It will also be a great joy to work alongside a great colleague, Brad Mullet, again! Can't wait to taste those cinnamon, rolls, bro!!

Another one of the great joys I have in being able to do this kind of thing is that a number of people have been hugely generous in providing finances for this trip. Actually, an anonymous donor provided most of the cost of the airline ticket!

So, with great humility and anticipation, I invite you to "go with us" as we travel across the
Atlantic on Friday night and arrive in Budapest on Saturday afternoon.

We're excited to be taking still another NEXT step in
Building for the Master!