Friday, March 23, 2007

Side Trip

Being part of a cross-cultural ministry changes a person's perspective on a lot of things ... especially God, people of other cultures and themselves. For many people living in America, crossing cultures is often limited to going out to eat to an ethnic restaurant. This is not the case for those who participate in a cross cultural ministry, whether its to an inner city context in the United States, or on the other side of the world.

Yesterday (Friday) it was the privilege of Chris and I to join with Gergu, a 20 year-old Hungarian, and take a train to Slovakia to visit some of my dear friends in that country.

The train left Budapest Keleti at 6:00 AM, so it was an early morning "get-up-and-go" for us in order to catch a bus and take a 15 minute ride to the station. Gergu brought some "cookies" that is mom made (actually they were kind of like buttermilk bisquits) for our trip. 4 hours later we arrived in Kosice, Slovakia. Pastor Peter Pristiak met us and we continued on by van for another hour to our destination; Hermanovce, Slovakia.

We spent a wonderful afternoon renewing old friendships (actually, Chris and Gergu spent much of their time listenting to Dave trying to recall his 10-year-old, mostly dormant Czech language abilities!).

Our "outing" for the day was a short walk up to the the "camp area" which the Hermanovce church is developing with the help of Timberlee Christian Center in southern Wisconsin. Watch this blog and the NEXT International website: ( for future updates.

The Hermanovce church is truly an amazing place. God is using this church to literally touch the world. It will be exciting to see what things will be in store for people to engage in the future.

Chris will be back in the US today (Saturday), and I will be staying in Amsterdam for 2 days to meet with some people with YWAM. Hopefully I will be able to make one more blog entry.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

PK's, MK's and Happy Guys!

Over and over again we've seen some amazing things happen in the course of being on a cross-cultural ministry team. Existing relationships are strengthened and new relationships are built between people who had never met a few days before. That's why we talk about "building with living stones!"

While Chris and Brian worked together for the first time, Geza and Dave renew an old friendship!

Jordan Lemmons (a missionary kid "MK" who lives in Hungary) met Jeremy 1 (Mlaker) and Jeremy 2 (Olson) who are best friends in college!

... and father and son (Brian and Al Jicinsky) get to work together and enjoy their first cross-cultural ministry ... together!

All-in-all, this is turning out to be a great week! Tomorrow, Chris and I are going to Slovakia, the rest of the team is going to Vienna, Austria. Stay tuned for updates ... probably not until Saturday!!

Still serving with joy!

Rhino Hungary Team 07

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fitting the Stones Together!

One thing about putting together a cross-cultural ministry team whose purpose is to do construction is that you never quite know what kind of skills people have before you start the project. It's kinda like baking a batch of cookies without a recipe. You might know what ingredients you need, but not necessarily how much of each, what order you put them together.

The amazing thing is that with nearly every team, after a couple days everyone finds a niche and begins to apply their individual talents to project at hand. Our Rhino Budapest 07 team is no different.

Today (Wednesday) Brad, (the cinnamon roll meister) treated us to those world famous home made treats and we were off! We were able to complete the floor system as well as get most of the drywall hung on the facade around the perimeter of the larger meeting room.

A real high point of the day was seeing "THE PASTOR and THE MASTER (builder) working together! What a hoot!!

Again, we want to thank all of you who have encouraged us and are praying and supporting our work here. People are expressing their appreciation each day, and we know that our efforts will produce fruit for the kingdom!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tools of the Trade

I have worked for over 15 years with volunteers serving on cross-cultural ministry teams and I continue to be amazed by just how perfectly God seems to put each team together with just the right skills, talents, abilities and personalities that make that team unique, as well as very effective in ministry. I have often said that performance is directly related to preparation!! Our team in Budapest, as with many other teams, has undoubtedly been prepared by the Lord to serve this body of believers in this place at this time. Seeing this team come together and "sharpen one another" is a joy and privilege.

1 Peter 4:10 says, "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another." Our desire here is to serve one another with our greatest gifts and talents, so that the Kingdom of God may be enhanced and advanced in this part of the world.

Today (Tuesday) we saw more of those "tools of the trade" used. Of course, what group of construction-type people could go without a visit to "the tool store!" Brad, Allen and Chris were beside themselves as we went to a local supply store to buy concrete wall anchors!

On the "construction-side" of things, most of the demolition and "old dust" is done, and we've taken some big steps in putting things together. We've framed a floor (with WOOD!) for a "second story" meeting room and installed steel studding for a sheetrock facade in a larger assembly area (former movie theater lobby).

Days end with some great food and lively discussions ... with people still using the "tools of the trade" ... using their tools to build the body of Christ!

It is truly a joy to serve. Thanks for praying for us and encouraging us as we're here!

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.
Colossians 3:23-24

Rhino Dave and "Stretch"

Days end

Monday, March 19, 2007

"Coming Home"

From 1993 to 1996 our family lived in Central Europe. We adapted to the ways and customs of that region of the world and saw God work in and through our lives. Since we moved back to the US in 1996, it has been my joy to serve on a variety of projects in a number of countries in Central Europe, Hungary being one of them. The Olimpia Mozi or Kelenfold Ministry Center is the place where most of my efforts have gone in helping to enhance and advance the Kingdom or God in Hungary. During this visit, we are helping to expand that facility for even greater impact.

Dust, destruction and demolition were the order of the day ... and the sparks did fly!!

There were a few moments of "consternation" by the "bosses" ... but, we were able to make good progress and will begin to do some reconstruction today (Tuesday).

We will build a 20 foot by 20 foot floor system for a second floor "conference room" out of WOOD!!

Each time I return to this area of the world, there is some sense of "coming home." But, each time is just a little different as well. This time it is the availability of wood! Most everything here is built from concrete and steel, but today we build with wood!! Praise the Lord!!

One of the great joys of returning this time is to bring "new eyes to see with" as Chris has joined me for his first overseas mission. As we settled into our accomodations in the Olimpia Mozi and finished our hands to the first full day of work, we reflected on the privilege of being here and serving God with those hands. Thanks to all who are supporting and praying for us. It is amazing that we are here and serving God in this way!! Who woulda thunk it!!??

Stay tuned,

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Back to Life in Budapest!

Chris and I arrived safely on Sunday afternoon in Budapest ... just a little over 24 hours after when he had intended to arrive. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that God met us in some huge ways during that time.

We joined up with Pastor Joe Mlaker and his group of 5 (who arrived on Saturday) for a quick and fun tour of Budapest,

We are now settling in at the Kelenfold Ministry Center (KEGY), preparing for the start of our work week on Sunday.

Please pray for the team and our Hungarian friends as we serve them this week. Watch for more updates!