Monday, March 19, 2007

"Coming Home"

From 1993 to 1996 our family lived in Central Europe. We adapted to the ways and customs of that region of the world and saw God work in and through our lives. Since we moved back to the US in 1996, it has been my joy to serve on a variety of projects in a number of countries in Central Europe, Hungary being one of them. The Olimpia Mozi or Kelenfold Ministry Center is the place where most of my efforts have gone in helping to enhance and advance the Kingdom or God in Hungary. During this visit, we are helping to expand that facility for even greater impact.

Dust, destruction and demolition were the order of the day ... and the sparks did fly!!

There were a few moments of "consternation" by the "bosses" ... but, we were able to make good progress and will begin to do some reconstruction today (Tuesday).

We will build a 20 foot by 20 foot floor system for a second floor "conference room" out of WOOD!!

Each time I return to this area of the world, there is some sense of "coming home." But, each time is just a little different as well. This time it is the availability of wood! Most everything here is built from concrete and steel, but today we build with wood!! Praise the Lord!!

One of the great joys of returning this time is to bring "new eyes to see with" as Chris has joined me for his first overseas mission. As we settled into our accomodations in the Olimpia Mozi and finished our hands to the first full day of work, we reflected on the privilege of being here and serving God with those hands. Thanks to all who are supporting and praying for us. It is amazing that we are here and serving God in this way!! Who woulda thunk it!!??

Stay tuned,


Unknown said...

Wondering if you 3 figured out the
puzzle? Sounds like work is available again. Praying for safety for the team.
Mom and Dad

Cheri said...

Dust and demolition. Brings back such good memories!

Lora said...

We are praising God for giving you the opportunity to return to Budapest...what an encouragement it must be to the folks there! We are thankful to learn from Pastor Joe's blog that Brian is feeling better and we are praying for continued good health and strong bodies for the whole team.
Love ~ Lo, Mark & gang