Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dig Deep If You're Gonna Build High!

A strong foundation is an essential part of any building. I have worked on many buildings with weak foundations which in the end cannot support the building and it crumbles. To effectively build lives that are strong begins with building strong foundations. One component of building a strong foundation is the family.

Building has been a part of my family's life for as long as I can remember. From my earliest recollections, our family was always together. We often looked out for one another and cared for one another. We enjoyed one another's company and spent many hours playing and working together. My two brothers and I worked together with Mom and Dad as a family in building since we were old enough to swing a hammer or lift a trowel. Each of us has a love for construction and woodworking that continues today.

As young boys growing up in the 1960’s, there were ample opportunities to explore life together as brothers and "build" with a host of neighborhood friends. Organizations like Little League, Boy Scouts and church groups provided some additional “bricks” for the foundation which God had established through my family’s heritage. Certainly there were the occasional questionable "building projects" and of course, “sibling rivalries” . . . which, when we got out of hand, we were duly recompensed with appropriate discipline. But, even so, we knew a healthy and loving relationship with our parents throughout our childhood that provided the strong foundation upon which to build our lives.

My parents are truly two of the most important people in my life’s journey, and continue to this day to be great friends who are always available with a listening ear and/or counsel. They are great encouragers to me and my family, as well as many others. Thanks Mom and Dad for helping to build a strong foundation!

1 comment:

DBJ said...

I was pleased to see that early on in your blog you talked about the importance of the family. The family is the basic unit in any culture or society and is the building block from which everything springs. Talking about the family is one of my passions! Maybe that's why I teach Family and Consumer Science! Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to our families!!
